Once upon a time...

Aristotle was sitting at the counter,
when his coffee arrived.

Ever so slowly,
he poured the cream into the mug,
while he very gently swirled it with a spoon.
Zero Sum was enjoying some Tapioca Pudding when the whole universe sneezed.

What a Galactic GrossOut...
The pudding smooshed out of the bowl and disappeared between the cracks in the hardwood floor. Until the ceiling below began to rain Tapioca goop.

As a young superhero, Zero Sum had learned that no good deed goes unresolved. As the pudding oozed out of the open windows, it was taking on cosmic proportions.
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Back at the diner, Zero Sum sat down next to Aristotle. What she didn’t know about the universe, he did.

As he continued to swirl the cream into his mug of coffee, he noted the pudding had morphed into Primordial Soup; the stuff of ofthe universe. The result was a fracture in the String, Time, Space Continuum.

Ari explained it was her mission to save the universe by returning the pudding to the bowl from whence it had emerged.

Her mission was perfectly clear. Zero Sum had to somehow trick the Tapioca into behaving properly, and return to the bowl; thus saving the whole universe.

Lo and Behold!

When Aristotle began to rotate his finger around the outer rim of his coffee mug, Zero Sum knew what she had to do.

And that’s how Zero Sum saved the Universe!