Once upon a time...

You know that place
we dreamed it
we lived it
we grew up
but the dream never really died.
Aristotle was sitting at the Double D explaining his “Flapjack Theorem of the Human Psyche,” when who sits down next to him; none other than the Gossamer King, known hereabouts as “The Cowboy.”
The Cowboy spoke of a hidden treasure of immense wealth. But it is guarded by the mythical Ugly Blue Frog; and you may not pass unless you know the secret Mantra.

There is only The One who knows of the mantra. Your vision quest must seek out The One to face the challenge and receive the Mantra.
Aristotle found The One sitting in an easy chair. But now, he must face the challenge. The One told Aristotle that he must experience the “Song of Eternity” and discern its’ hidden meaning.
And then...
And then...

The Ugly Blue Frog bestowed the treasure...”to travel back in time for one day.”