Once upon a time...

They took all the trees
and put 'em in a tree museum
and they charged the people
a dollar and a half to seem 'em
There were just three trees left in the whole wide world.

The trees were named “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.”
Sir Jack The Sailor was appointed or anointed the ruler of The Fiefdom of Jury-Rig. Surveying all that he possessed, he came to notice that all the trees in the Fiefdom were gone. Where the heck did they go?

It was at that moment, Tapas appeared and spoke to Sir Jack. She reported that all the trees; everywhere were gone except for Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. She told Sir Jack then he must journey to the faraway and mystical land of Matteueccia Struthiopteris to find the answer.


Sir Jack thought this land was a bit unusual, but somehow, familiar, however the Emperor had vanished; leaving only his likeness behind. Where the heck did the tress go? And where the heck did the Emperor go?
And suddenly, the Emperor began to speak in the language of a dream. Vegetables from the Id was the message from the past. Wait a doggone minute. ..


Oh Yes, Gem was back.

She then told Sir Jack that she would return all the trees to the world when he solved her riddle.

When he asked her what the riddle was, Gem smiled and gently glided back to the clouds.

The solution is the question...

It's not funny, Gem !!!