Once upon a time...

There was one star in the night sky
that every other star depended upon
it was brighter than bright
neither here nor there
it was The Color Star
The conversation turned to "dreams." The question turned to "do you dream in color?"
A “You see ladies, this burger is like the universe”

Zoey “D, pass the burgers down here”

A “And the String Theory of the black holes and worm holes and...”

A “You see girls, the universe is inside out; everything outside is really inside”

A “And the fries are the humans scampering about this pathetic, futile life; trying to navigate the flow”

Peg “D, get us some bubbles water please”

D “Ari, we understand, pass the ketchup”

A “And that is why the order of the infinite is so chaotic”

Ava “Order more bubbles water Ari, please”

A “And the basket is like a ship, gliding upon the eternal thoroughfares...”

A “Which is why some people dream in color; and some do not.”
What the hay...

What just happened?

What is going on ???
All the color of the universe just suddenly disappeared out of nowhere.

Wait a minute...

Just a dog-gone minute!

Something vaguely familiar...
Oh Nooooooooo!

It’s Baby Gem.

“Look here. You turn that Color Star back on right now!”

And so it was. Baby Gem brought back color to the universe, and then took off for the sky with a giggle.

It’s not funny, Baby Gem!