Once upon a time...

A bunch of angles
came dancing around here
they were asking about you
I told them I did not know
but my heart and soul
remembers you
and how I felt about you
looking at your sketches and dreams
I long for you in this time.

The angles wish you well
remind us you only get
what you get
and then they went
Sailin in the Wind.
Jupiter was so happy with the new hit record she brought home. But when she opened the bag, there was something else inside. A puzzle...
Ari “There was a Selkie named Rose, who was trying to come ashore and convert to human form when she became entangled in fisherman’s gear.”

“She was trapped and could not get out or take on human form.”

“The Mariner came upon Rose one day”

“Rose begged the Mariner to take pity on her predicament and set her free to complete the transformation to human form.”

“The Mariner is a man of honor and immediately set her free.”

“Rose then transformed into a beautiful woman; and the Mariner fell in love with her. He was beguiled.”

“Over time, their love grew stronger and more profound.”

“Finally, the Mariner gave Rose The Lover’s Knot as a symbol of his love; no beginning and no end.”

“Rose came to the Mariner one day. She had the Lover’s Knot in her hand.”

“Rose placed the rope with the knot in the Marnier’s hand.”

“Rose said, I love you so much, I will show you where my seal skin it is hidden, and return to the sea, to set you free.”

“She placed the knot in the Mariner’s hand”

“He replied”


“And then Rose took the Lover’s Knot and put it in a safe place forever.”