Once upon a time...

Your dreams,
are as beautiful,
as you are.
It was a lazy August kind of morning. The air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

Down at the barbershop, the conversation was about the Fair. Everybody was getting a wreck of a car ready for the Demolition Darby.
When it was Beaus turn for a chop, he told George the Barber he named his buggy The Divining Rod.

All the guys looked up from their magazines and newspapers. George asked him why he named it that.
George was sitting at a table with a young woman. Rumor had it that she walked about the mystic shoes under the moonlight

Years of fishing had taken it’s toll; and George needed to say goodbye to the rolling waves.

So there he sat looking into the dark eyes of a beautiful young woman. Time had reduced his hands to sandpaper, but his heart was true
The conversation shifted to the latest issue of “The Blind Man.”
George was touching up Beau’s haircut when he glances out the window at where the grand hotel used to stand. His thoughts drift back to his days at sea. He tells Beau that it’s always about the one that got away!
When the song played on the radio, he was back at that table at the Island Café; looking into her beautiful blue eyes.
On the island,
they talk of the Grand Promenade,
I know exactly what they mean,
now that I have held your hand.

On the island,
they talk of destiny,
I know exactly what they mean,
now that I have looked into your eyes.

Oh you beautiful woman,
Egret you know I love you,
stop tending to your nest,
and dance with me.

On the island,
they talk of the seduction of the fog,
I know exactly what they mean,
now that I have loved you with all my heart