Once upon a time...

They say,
if you make a wish,
under the Harvest Moon,
the wish becomes a dream,
and the dream becomes an angel.
I was just staring at the Manhantan Café after a sleepless night. Behind me were windows and a doorway to the deck. It was the crack of dawn and our ship was gliding ever so slowly toward the embrace of the Bay of Fundy.

From the corner of my eye, something behind me; through those windows seemed to be moving. I made my way outside to the deck. And there it was..the dream.
The fog was doing a dance with the shore and the shanties and wharfs as we moved alone. They would appear; and then the fog would make them disappear.

My introduction to the Mystic Shores of Nova Scotia that I would write about the rest of my life.

I looked down at the sea below me and something sparkled.
It was the night of the Harvest Moon and she was dressed in a canopy of starlight.

She guided me to her place of magic things and we exchanged tokes of always and forever.
A decade later it was time for me to say “goodbye” to the Mystic Shores of Nova Scotia.

As I stood under That Harvest Moon, I could feel the gentle caress of the fog upon my face. It was a kiss from Sophia.
A decade later, she stopped by for a moment underThat Harvest Moon