Once upon a time...

Dear Gem,
we’re having a Thanksgiving Diner party,
please stop by the lodge and join us,
Bring your friends!
The Beavers.
Ari “Gather ‘round everybody, I’m going to tell you the true story of a great American tradition.”

Ari “Back in the day, long, long ago in the BiP era (Before the iPhone), there was a colonist from Rhode Island named Johnny C Goode.”

Ari “His business required him to travel by horseback from East Greenwich to Worcester (then pronounced WOOOOOstah in elder English).”

Ari “For those arduous journeys, he needed something to hold him over, some THING. So he invented a corn meal pancake.”

Ari “Of course, he didn’t invent it, but he thought he invented it; which today is about the same thing.”

Ari “For each journey, he would stow his small cakes into his pant’s pockets like Napoleon Dynamite did with Tater Tots.”

Ari “However, since his cakes were cooked in fat, they left a nasty, oily stain in his pant’s pockets.”

Ari “And the colonial ladies took offense to that blemish on his person.”

Ari “So that is how and why Johnny C. Goode came to invent the lunch box.”

D “Interesting story Ari...”

Zoey “Pass the Johnny Cakes please.”

Poof & Sophia “Could we have Nutella on our Johnny C. GoodeCakes, please.’
The Mardi Gras Costume Ball was in full swing; heading like an express train racing toward the dawn. There was one shadowy figure moving about. The revelers assumed he had been kicking the gong around all night. He slowly made his way to the door. But he stopped, wrote something on a piece of paper, and put it into a Mason Jar which he firmly sealed. He placed the jar in a snug spot under the stairs on his way out. The jar stayed hidden there for almost a hundred years. When it was finally discovered and opened, that piece of paper had only one word written on it...”Camouflage.”