Once upon a time...

As spring gave way to summer
and day gave way to night
the Strawberry Moon
invited the Summer Solstice
to the heavenly celebration

Annie Bug was drifting off to sleep when a cold breeze came in through her open window. When Annie looked out, she could not believe her eyes. There were two moons in the night sky.

Annie Bug suspected this was the handiwork of Gem, the mischievous Spirit in the Wind. She is always making double trouble! Annie Bug had to find a way to turn back the time to only just only one moon before anyone else discovered what Gem had done.

And wouldn’t you know it, just then, Gem appeared in Annie Bug’s room.

Gem thinks her spell is funny...

It’s not funny, Gem !

Annie Bug needed to journey to find someone or something who could help. We need a spell or trick to get Gem to go back to only one moon in the sky. But how, where, who?

Perhaps Sophia can help. She’s the fog that dances about the Mystic Shores.

It was Poof the Puffin, Sophia’s best friend that guided Annie Bug To Cape d’ Or where Sophia could be found.

Sophia told Annie Bug that she must wrap Gem in a Magic Patchwork Quilt of Dreams to coax her to undo her silly spell.

Annie Bug returned to her room where she found Gem and placed the quilt about her; and Lo and Behold the the Strawberry Moon was one once again.

Gem just giggled and took flight back into the winds.

It’s not funny Gem!