Once upon a time...

Easier said than done
somewhere out on Digby Neck
your better Angel
turns out to be a Dream
waiting to take flight
The Angel was foraging along the shore near the Grand Passage. She was collecting driftwood, and shells, and feathers. But she came upon something strange and mysterious. When she touched it, a curious event occurred.
Jupiter was trying to decide if she wanted to be a dancer or a cloud. She chose both...

Rose felt like she had been just going around in circles her whole life.
Jupiter heard Rose’s lament. So she offered to bring Rose to life and set her free. But there was a catch...

Rose must first find where the Angel’s Dream is hiding and return it to her.  She told Rose the Angle’s dream is hiding behind the tree of unintended outcomes.

Dreams are quite crafty
and often crazy fickle
they dance in the clouds
but have a passion for a pickle

Easier said than done!

And so the quest began. Over hill and dale to and fro, here and there, up and down.

But lo and behold, Rose finally found that tree and the Dream hiding behind it.

So Rose tried and tried to catch it, but it was fast and sneaky. Around and ‘round that tree they went.

Until the Dream laughed and took flight.

Now what?

And then she remembered Jupiter’s poem.

Rose took out her cosmic gunny sack and snagged that pesky Dream.

After a hop, skip, and a jump, Rose returned the Dream to the Angel and all was well again!

And as Jupiter promised, Rose was free.

And they all lived happily ever after