Once upon a time...

Hiding behind a bookcase
for a very long time
an antique memory
and a cosmic riddle
Harry or Hank made a hasty, curated retreat to the living room. The thing is that if there is something, there is always the other side of that something. That was when he spotted a very, very old book that had been hiding behind the bookcase. The book seemed like magic because the picture moved; a moving picture! He pulled the Pull and the man started playing his horn. When Harry or Hank turned to the next page, there was a small golden key inside. When Harry or Hank held the key in his hand, he could feel a chilly breeze; and then who should appear? Gem was back...Oh oh!

Gem told Harry or Hank that the mystery of the key could only be solved by finding Lemon Drop and her new circus. So, off they went.
Lemon Drop told Harry or Hank and Gem that Juggles the Human Cannonball left a package for them at the STEFANTIEK.

The proprietor of STEFANTIEK; named Indigo, handed them the package with stern instructions. Indigo said that only the Angel of Highway 9 could open the package.