Once upon a time...

I took it because of my endless quest,
to know who I am,
now I need to return it,
so I can make peace,
with the Spirits in the Wind.

They tell us,
there are circles in the universe,
cosmic whispers of the truth,
and thunder storms that conjure pretty lies.
Blue flashing lights and pounding on the door, meant the cops were at Ari’s home in the middle of the night. Sitting right next to the door was a woman. It was Dynasty. D! But why?

As the cops made a quiet retreat for 3 AM donuts and coffee, D explained to Ari that it was time. They had to return the tablet, and it’s message of hope to where it was found at Cape d’ Or, Nova Scotia.
Afterword, the Spirits in the Wind would perform their marriage; whist their friends and relatives celebrated the nuptials in the Bay of Fundy.
And then, they would honeymoon in Paris with a toast at the Café du Dome alongside Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Picasso.