Once upon a time...

Some say it’s a lady
some say it’s just dumb
but when Lemon Drop looked down
things started to look up

In the forest, huddled around a crackling campfire, Juggles the Human Cannonball was not a happy camper. It was the end of an era right in front of him; the last circus train.
Lemon Drop looked down at her toes at something unusual. Picking it up, she could see it was a ticket to the circus. But, it was dated 1949.

She heard a sound behind her; and turned around...

Lemon Drop had traveled back in time to 1949; and there was the circus! She gave her ticket to the man at the gate and walked in.

She wandered around the whole circus until she happened upon a rather odd looking character. He was Zoltar, the seer and magician of the circus.

He told Lemon Drop that he had a vision that the circus would slowly fade away and be gone forever.

Zoltar asked Lemon Drop to take a package and go back to the future where she came from. He then asked her to seek out Juggles and give him this package.

She just had to follow her nose and toes to find him...

Moments later, Lemon Drop returned to where she came from. She set out on a quest to find Juggles the Human Cannonball.

When she found him sitting by his campfire, looking so sad.

She gave Juggles the package from Zoltar and then he and Lemon Drop started to have an idea; a plan to bring back the circus.